The Genius in the Garden !

The a-HA! experience - notice, when you say "a-HA", your eyes light up and the lips break into smile and it has musical note to it ! And that’s what happened to us = Paul, Tantrima, Jhimli, Sanjib, Arpita, Indrani, Sukhvinder, Aniruddha, Manish, Seema, Ila and Subhashree, at yesterday’s meeting at Apeejay. It was a delightful experience : ‘Borrowed Genius’ based on ‘Periscopic Learning' (projecting a peripheral view). We missed all those who could not make it for the meeting.
After a short introduction by Paul through a series of charts prepared by him based on Beyond Teaching and Learning : How to borrow some genius for direct use, the purpose was to tap the genius within each of us to bring in effectiveness and joy in all that we do. The methodology - experiential sharing through imagery in order to deep learn to arrive at amazingly unexpected payoffs !
Paul talked about the right brain, use of which can bring in invaluable beauty and discovery, which each of us discovered by the end of the programme. We were asked to move into pairs and with eyes closed (for full 30 minutes), Paul gave short instructions at intervals of 2 –4 minutes and took us into the journey of a beautiful Garden created by each of us with richest of details -colour, shape, sound, space, sounds, feel and smell.... stirring up sensations while describing them so much that it became real to the partner.
The bing on the water glass by Paul was the timer for the experience to stop and start off another more exquisite description.
Gradually we had the Genius join us in the garden and went into details of describing the Genius in detail to make it real for the partner, In the grand finale, we met the Genius eye to eye, ear to ear… to become the genius almost to sensory details.
Next was reliving the greatest understanding or illuminating in the lifetime memory of the Genius – the point of the greatest a-HA! Culmination with seeing the Genius in front of a full length mirror, moving back and shaking hands with the Genius for the thanksgiving. We then put back the little cellular phone to keep in contact with the Genius and he also did the same to connect with us at any time!
We then shared our experiences… here are some of them…..
" My genius said to me – why are you so much in awe of me…."
"My genius was Swami Vivekananda and I became Vivekananda"
"My genius is a little imp …..prancing and waiting for me to tap him more often"
"I know I have so much more potential in me.,,..I need to discover that"
For the benefit of all those who missed yesterday’s meeting here is the URL:
Take care of yourself and the genius within you!
Gradually we had the Genius join us in the garden and went into details of describing the Genius in detail to make it real for the partner, In the grand finale, we met the Genius eye to eye, ear to ear… to become the genius almost to sensory details.
Next was reliving the greatest understanding or illuminating in the lifetime memory of the Genius – the point of the greatest a-HA! Culmination with seeing the Genius in front of a full length mirror, moving back and shaking hands with the Genius for the thanksgiving. We then put back the little cellular phone to keep in contact with the Genius and he also did the same to connect with us at any time!
We then shared our experiences… here are some of them…..
" My genius said to me – why are you so much in awe of me…."
"My genius was Swami Vivekananda and I became Vivekananda"
"My genius is a little imp …..prancing and waiting for me to tap him more often"
"I know I have so much more potential in me.,,..I need to discover that"
For the benefit of all those who missed yesterday’s meeting here is the URL:
Take care of yourself and the genius within you!