Sunday, February 10, 2008

ISABS-XIMB Spring Event, Feb 18-22, 2008

ISABS Kolkata Region and Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) Collaborated to hold Basic and Advanced Laboratories on Human Processes at the XIMB Campus, Bhubaneswar.

30 participants in BLHP
6 participants in ALHP

Photo: (From left) DP, Paul, Khirod, Snigdha, Vignesh, Somali, and Sanjib

Facilitators for the event:

Paul Siromoni, jpsmoni[at]
Sanjib Basu, basus[at]
Snigdha Pattnaik, snigdha[at]
Somali Gupta, somaligupta[at]
Vignesh Manjeshwar, vignesh[at]
Khirod Pattnaik, khirodp[at] (Intern)

D. P. Dash, one of the region's Honorary Coordinators of Programmes, worked with Khirod and Snigdha to oversee the local coordination and administration of this event.

More photos [courtesy: Sanjib Basu] >>

Event News in The New Indian Express.