One-Day Programme at Dhyan Ashram
Renewal 4 Transformation
Nature moves in cycles. Just as day follows night, work follows rest. Is it not true that once we are deeply rested, our mental and physical muscles crackle to go back to work… with renewed energy and enthusiasm. How can we enable ourselves to be restful and zestful, replenishing our deepest core with positive, vibrant energy? So that optimism, faith and passion for life become our guiding force.
One day in the idyllic setting of Dhyan Ashram will give us the occasion to unwind, relax, empty ourselves of our tiredness if so, and allow the new spaces so created to be filled with the choices and gifts we wish to give ourselves. Do bring along your ability to imagine, as this will be the key to many beautiful moments you create for yourself. In the company of others who are as beautiful as you.
For whom: All of you ISABIANS who at some point in your lives have made the choice to board the boat of personal growth. Come if you believe in transformation. Sukhvinder, a professional member of ISABS, will facilitate the day.
When: Evening of 11th February to evening of 12th February. There will be a post dinner session on the 11th.
Where: Dhyan Ashram, Diamond Harbour Road, Joka. (2kmts from IIM).
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